Simulation Instructions:

This simulation models meme infection and suppression within a network of sentient repeaters. (Either human, algo, or AI) Here's a detailed explanation of how it works:

What is a Node?

Nodes are the individual sentient repeaters that can interact with other nodes. (Represented by light gray lines) Nodes have three modes:

Infected (Yellow nodes) spread by converting their neighboring nodes (those directly connected to them) into infected. At each simulation step, each infected node has a probability to convert a neutral node into a meme. This simulates the influence of memes spreading through the network.

Sophons (Red nodes) suppress memes by converting infected nodes into neutral nodes. Each sophon interacts with its neighbors, and if a neighboring node is a meme and the suppression condition is met, the sophon converts the infected into a neutral node. Sophons do not spread but act to reduce the number of infected nodes around it.


You'll notice the network is in conflict where ever sophons connect. Nodes around sophons become infected and suppressed constantly.

If you lower the amount of Sophons, you'll notice meme infections quickly take over the whole network.

Since Sophons are fixed in place, increasing the number of Sophons is one of the most certain ways to suppress network-wide infection.